Welcome to Bonnie Kilroe's Celebrity Imposters Home Page!

Oct 12Middletown, CADIVAS
Oct 25Powell River, BCCher Show
Oct 26Sechelt, BCCher Show
Nov 16Coquitlam, BCDIVAS (Fundraiser)

Click here for more information about the shows above.

Welcome to the home page of the talented and award-winning entertainer Bonnie Kilroe's Celebrity Imposters website! You may find it hard to believe, but every single character on this website is brought to life by Bonnie herself! You'll be able to find all of the information you seek and need in order to understand the kinds of shows and performances Bonnie has on offer.

To see a schedule of upcoming show dates, either click the calendar link in the grey menu bar above, or click here.

The drop-down menu bar above has a direct link to every page of this website. You can click on the Shows Menu link for an overview of the many different shows Bonnie has to offer, or select one of the drop-down choices to go directly to a specific show. There are areas of this website dedicated to displaying character descriptions (with slideshows) and character photos and videos. This website also has areas devoted to client testimonials and press and media coverage of Bonnie and her performances.

The top of every page has links to Bonnie's Facebook page, YouTube page and Twitter account (though we've also put those links to the right here on the home page). So, if you're interested in perusing those media sources and/or contacting Bonnie via these sources, click on the appropriate links at the top of the page. If you have any comments or questions, just want to say "hi" (or "howdy"), or you've seen one of Bonnie's shows and want to let others know about how great it was then please leave a message for Bonnie at the contact page.

Enjoy the site and Bonnie's shows!

Here is a promotional video that I put together for the BC Touring Association. Enjoy!

Bonnie Kilroe is a winner of the prestigious Bea Fogelman Award of Excellence. (Click to read more about this!)

Bonnie has performed, and won awards, at the annual Las Vegas Reel Awards Tribute Artists' Convention many times in the past. In February of 2020, she was excited to be attending the Reel Awards once again, and was thrilled to have been chosen the winner of that year's Country's Hottest Hitter Award for her tribute to Patsy Cline. The music of Patsy has always been near and dear to Bonnie's heart and she couldn't be happier to have received such a prestigious award for her tribute to the late, great Patsy Cline. Bonnie will be attending celebrity impersonator awards shows in the future as well, so that trophy case might get even more crowded.


October 2024—DIVAS at The Twin Pine Casino
I'm excited to announce that I'll be bringing my DIVAS show to the Twim Pine Casino for the very first time. Come and see me for a night of fun and great entertainment!