A Tribute To The Hits of Broadway
Let Bonnie take you on a trip to the "Great White Way"—aka Broadway, the street that for millions around the world
represents the very best of live musical theatre. From its humble beginnings as a path along which Dutch settlers took
their cows to market (we just made that part up, though we can assure you that the street's origins are extremely humble)
to its contemporary status
as the cream of the crop in live musical entertainment, Broadway plays host to hundreds of productions annually, hosting millions of
theatre-goers from around the world.
Come join Bonnie for her much-enjoyed
The Best of Broadway show.
With her melodious voice, powerful stage presence (aided by stunning costumes!), and her wonderful sense of comedic timing and humor, Bonnie
makes this show a fantastically entertaining evening out for Broadway fans of all ages. From classic shows such as 42nd Street and South Pacific
to more modern favourites such as Cats, Les Miserables, and Phantom of the Opera, you'll hear show tunes that have stood the test of time!
Be prepared to laugh and cry (sometimes during the same number!) and sit back (or join in) and enjoy an evening of Broadway hits without
having the pony up the costs of flight, hotel, and show tickets. Bring your date, bring your spouse, or bring your best friends and colleagues
along for a wonderful night of song and entertainment. You'll leave with a smile on your voice and humming a song with your vocal chords. Please
don't hold Bonnie culpable if you're still humming (or singing) some of these tunes at the water cooler at work on Monday morning.
So, if you love the music of Broadway, you just have to see this show!